BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur Chitwan business of sick who are working vicauliyako police have arrested 15 persons. Hospital treatment for patients who suffer from brokering of individuals on the basis of the Acting District Police Office, Chitwan arrested them.
Biramiharulari garaidine cheap lab test, the doctor bhetaidine and cheap food available to the sick and their relatives sitting garaidine saying that while they are taken in Udyapur control.
They were arrested at noon, 1 pm at the District Police Office, Chitwan premises cancer Bahadur Kunwar, informed the head of the spring. And they all Public (Crime and Punishment) Act, 2027 under the registration number, police said.
'Brokering the sick and sick relatives, suffering a surprise by giving the state had found this work do not make samjhai aside, to embark on this is our profession is the same dispute to fight the police duties hindering m ¥ yaueko when the gang arrested today, some public (crime and proven) Act, 2027 and filed under investigation to proceed to Sydney '- a statement issued by the police.
The arrested people are:
Chitwan District bharatapurra umanapavada No. 66 7-year-Divine Prasad Neupane.
Chitwan District No. 7-year-bharatapurra umanapavada 24 times to Rajan.
Chitwan District bharatapurra umanapavada No. 45 7-year-such as the Ganga Prasad.
Chitwan District bharatapurra umanapavada No. 7-year-Ram Prasad Thapa and 30.
Chitwan District bharatapurra umanapavada No. 45 of 7-year-Ram Prakash Prasad.
Chitwan District bharatapurra umanapavada No. 47 7-year-Bhim Prasad Chapagain to.
Chitwan District No. 7 bharatapurra umanapavada 22-year Poudel to develop.
Chitwan District No. 7-year-bharatapurra umanapavada Sharma 20 morning.
Chitwan District bharatapurra umanapavada No. 9 to beautiful 7-year-Limbu 2.
Chitwan District No. 7-year-bharatapurra umanapavada Lamichane 31 Tikaram.
Chitwan District bharatapurra umanapavada No. 32 7-year-Lamichane adorn.
Chitwan District bharatapurra umanapavada No. 46 of 7-year-Bsundhara officer.
Chitwan District bharatapurra umanapavada No. 28 of 7-year-virgin Lamichane one.
Chitwan District bharatapurra umanapavada No. 27 of 7-year-Sarita Sharma.