5 May, Kathmandu. Here, where a substantial rage when the whole country. Queen coughing were also aware of the palaces asepase. And, today, there where the water goes down the roof.
When power goes out is. Sometimes the lack of drinking water instead. And, what kind of queen sitting nearby waiting for people who are around her age. This is a sad queen of Nepal context.
Narayanahitibhanda then all members of the king's family, Vidya had also completed 9 years. But these unhappy queen was encouraged not to dwell there Narayanhiti chadchin not canceled.
He was the king of the Shah ratnarajyalaksmi mahendraki wife. He was elected to the quake torn Mahendra manjila sarvasadharanajhaim narayanahitibhitraiko his bass was a temporary shack.
Son and daughter and granddaughter of former king Gyanendra himanile nirmalanivasa him to take, but many tried to refuse. His stand, where Mahendra's mind was a stranger, the same must be my death. Hamper the weekly news.