NASA scientist upabdhi the Nepali visvanai surprised, to find new facts about the Earth
KATHMANDU, May 9 - the United States Institute of kyaliyorniya teknojojiko NASA laboratory rinses, Dr. Surendra Adhikari of Lamjung Where Melting snow from around the world were trying to answer that question, fine.
Antarctica, a place grinalyandajasta buildup of snow will disappear if the sea mixes know how he read thousands adhyayanaanusandhanaka conclusion. Snow science of looking for changes in the direction of the earth to make official visvanai surprise discovered a new fact. Today's news is the .
He said the study of the earth, east of the North Pole is the pole which is unnatural pace. One hundred and 15 years out of the conclusion that the world's attention to analytics data available spluttering and Nepalese scientists suddenly became a celebrity.