Three months after the murder court case hatyakandako guide Nakhu now in prison last week, the new patrikasita lamteri Magar did not talk for long. He even said, "Dipendra back 6 rounds left and struck a Burst Fire has." Every month, last Friday 'Good Friday' holiday during the night (1 9 May 2058) supper then King virendrasahita his family uniformity and relatives had been murdered .
Gilder Nepali woman
Three months after the murder court case hatyakandako guide Nakhu now in prison last week, the new patrikasita lamteri Magar did not talk for long. He even said, "Dipendra back 6 rounds left and struck a Burst Fire has." Every month, last Friday 'Good Friday' holiday during the night (1 9 May 2058) supper then King virendrasahita his family uniformity and relatives had been murdered .