Kumar Katel and Arjun Ghimire are the writers and Shankar Acharya directs the show. The story is based on rural lifestyle and lower middle class people.The show stars Subash Karki, Arjun Ghimire, Kumar Katel, Shankar Acharya, Rakshya Shrestha and Hari Niraula and Sagar Lamsal as main Character.
bro in law in nepal
Kumar Katel and Arjun Ghimire are the writers and Shankar Acharya directs the show. The story is based on rural lifestyle and lower middle class people.The show stars Subash Karki, Arjun Ghimire, Kumar Katel, Shankar Acharya, Rakshya Shrestha and Hari Niraula and Sagar Lamsal as main Character.