If your uploaded photo sharing random Facebook Facebook may be blocked. If terrorists have uploaded a photo to share on Facebook that Facebook has 72 hours off account.
These things do not account may not be shut
The ecret part of the image will appear if Facebook posts will turn your account has been closed himself.
Similarly, more than two hundred people groupama join the Facebook account has been closed gardine.
Personal stigma and no person or congregation to pursue the kind of abuse have also Facebook posts and comments may be blocked.
One of the messages that you have sent more than three hundred or three hundred more than one person shares his page if your account may be closed.
Similarly, schools have no affiliation, campus and organization know that the account may be closed
You have no 'Polk' If you pay attention to. Many people did Polk said account may be closed.
Is illegal, even if the account becomes hisam may increase post the topic.
Similarly, if you make friends with Feeding account is closed.
The extent of social networks as Facebook too falsely making himself managed to attract users and also to monitor.
So if your equivalent of posting something stupid to think that your account may be closed.